ANTIGRAVITACE: Sen, který se stal skutečností
John A. Thomas Jr.
Článek byl převzat z časopisu Exraordinary Science, Volume VI, Issue 2, Apr. May Jun. 1994
Poznámka: Obrázky, na něž se článek odkazuje, nejsou k dispozici, protože na zdrojové stránce byly dostupné pouze registrovaným členům.
John Roy Robert Searl se narodil 2. května 1932 ve velmi chudé rodině v Anglii. Byl umístěn do dětského domova a ve věku čtyř let byl odloučen od svého bratra a sestry. Když mu bylo čtyři a půl roku, začal mít sny. Sny k němu přicházely v párech – nejdříve první sen, potom během krátké doby druhý sen; a objevovaly se dvakrát ročně po dobu šesti let. Sny se mu přestaly zdát, když byl ve věku deseti let. Věděl, že ty sny něco znamenají, a tak když mu bylo deset, snažil se vyložit jejich význam.
Ve čtrnácti postavil svůj první „Searl Effect Generator“ (SEG). Byl finančně podporován starším welšským gentlemanem jménem Gorge Hines. Mr. Hines v Johna věřil a financoval prvních šest SEGů, které postavil, z nichž se všechny ztratily. První SEG byl sestaven v Johnově domě na Carl Street. Byla to malá jednotka a když dokončil umisťování magnetických válečků na oběžné kolo, začalo se točit stále rychleji. Když SEG zrychloval svoji rotaci, vytvářel ve svém okolí pole, ztrácel svoji hmotnost a nakonec prorazil strop a uletěl! John byl překvapen, protože se pokoušel udělat generátor, ne něco, co létá ve vzduchu. Zatím SEG narážel do stropu tak dlouho, dokud ho neprorazil a nezmizel navždy. Pět dalších generátorů, které postavil, také uletělo, protože nevěděl, jak ovládnout pole, které vytvářel.
Profesor Searl pokračoval v práci a celkem postavil 40 levitujících disků. O mnoho z nich zpočátku přišel, než se je naučil řídit. Když se naučil, jak řídit SEG, John je po otestování rozebral, aby tuto technologii ochránil. Potom se pokusil použít součástky pro další generaci přístroje. Poslední vznášedlo, které postavil, bylo Demo 1. Naneštěstí se i toto vznášedlo ztratilo.
Hluché uši
Tato technologie byla nabídnuta všem zemím. V 70. letech profesor Searl, vlastenec, svůj vynález nabídl nejříve své vlasti. Šel ke královně a princi a řekl, „Chcete-li, mohu vám ukázat, jak postavit zařízení, které generuje energii a vlastně postavit nový typ kosmické lodě nebo vznášedla, které nahradí letadla.“ Oni ale nechtěli. Velmi mu děkovali. Dodnes má schovaný jejich dopis.
Nabídl ho Spojeným státům. Uspořádal demonstrační let na Edwardsově letecké základně. Během této demonstrace udělal dálkovým ovlládáním obrat, který vyvolal zrychlení 25 G, jež by uvnitř tryskového letadla každého zabilo. Lidé na Edwardsově základně řekli, „To by zabilo každého, kdo by seděl uvnitř. Nechceme to, protože je to příliš nebezpečné, nemůžeme to k ničemu použít.“
To ho zmátlo, proto udělal několik následných testů, aby určil zrychlení uvnitř přístroje. Jeden z nich byl naprosto prokazatelný. Jednalo se o ampulku s radioaktivním prvkem, zavěšenou v přístroji, která by se rozbila, kdyby v kterémkoli směru bylo zrychlení větší než 2G. Poslal svůj létající talíř s tímto zařízením na palubě do vzduchu a prováděl s ním všechny možné manévry. Když talíř dosedl zpět na zem, ampulka byla neporušená.
Tento experiment prokázal, že gravitační zrychlení uvnitř lodě není stejné jako v běžném letadle.
V roce 1989 nabídl tuto technologii do Mnichova v Německu skupině vědců, kteří dostali grant na práci na této technologii. Jejich výzkumná a vývojová dílna měla postavit model SEGu, který měl jeho účinky prokázat. Výrobní kontrakt nebyl podepsán. Výrobní kontrakt bude projednán, až budeme moci investorům ukázat fungující zařízení v provozu.
Profesor Searl měl toto zařízení vždy k dispozici na svých přednáškách a mohl SEG předvést. Nyní jsou všechny zničeny s výjimkou dvou, které dostali lidé ze zdravotních důvodů. SEG obdržely dvě různé osoby, které trpěly plicní chorobou, a lékaři jim dávali šanci na několik měsíců života. Jednou z užitečných vlastností tohoto přístroje je, že produkuje obrovské iontové výboje. Tyto výboje mají léčivé účinky. Léčí lidské plíce a vytváří ionty.
Profesor Searl měl nehodu, při níž nesl velmi horkou pánev s olejem, která ležela omylem na sporáku, a on se ji snažil dát pryč. Někdo neočekávaně otevřel dveře a olej explodoval. John byl nejen popálen, ale také krvácel. O čtrnáct dní později nebylo po jizvách ani památky. Takže SEG má léčivé účinky.
Základní struktura SEGu
SEG se skládá ze tří soustředně umístěných prstenců a válečků, které kolem nich obíhají. První prstenec (nejblíže ke středu) obsahuje dvanáct válečků, tento počet je stejný jako je počet fází dvanáctifázového lineárního motoru. Lineární motor nefunguje při méně než dvanácti fázích. Existuje mnoho dalších korelací, protože SEG funguje v souladu s přírodními zákony. Planeta Země má dvanáct desek souše, rok má dvanáct měsíců, atd. Válečků může být více, ale ne méně.
Figure 1 je ilustrace, jak SEG může vypadat. Ukazuje náš konečný výsledek, jak doufáme. Všimněte si tří řad válečků – počet válečků v každé řadě není stejný, ale zvětšuje se zhruba o 10 v každé další řadě.
Všechny konstrukční detaily jsou založeny na Zákonu čtverců. Díváme-li se na řez prstence a válečků, vidíme, že tento SEG je vytvořen s použitím čtverce řádu 4. Válečky se otáčejí kolem plátů, které tvoří prstence, ale nedotýkají se jich. Detail válečku na Figure 2 ukazuje prostřední prvek a potom tři další prvky vycházející z centrálního jádra každého válečku. Pláty budou mít stejný centrální prvek na vnitřní straně a nejlehčí prvek na vnější straně.
Figure 3 je nákres prvků jdoucích z vnější vrstvy do vnitřní vrstvy. Ukazuje rozměry a můžete s všimnout, že jedním z prvků je nylon. Tímto prvkem je nylon 66. Prof. Searl ho vybral proto, že má vysoce záporný obsah a také má dvojitou vazbu. Nylon plní funkci jako polovodič v diodě.
Na Figure 4 v podstatě vidíte zařízení v pevném stavu. Elektrony jsou vylučovány z centrálního prvku (kterým je neodym) a pohybují se přes další prvky. Kdyby zde nebyl nylon, SEG by fungoval jako laser a jeden impuls by šel ven, zastavil by se a další impuls by šel opět ven. Ale nylon zde funguje jako řídicí brána a toto řízení umožňuje plynulý tok elektronů skrze SEG.
Na vnějších okrajích SEGu jsou kartáčky pro sběr elektronů, které se používají u vznášecích vozidel (Inverse-G vehicles, IGV). Figure 5 ukazuje sadu konvenčních transformátorů s jádry ve tvaru C, které sbírají energii pro další použití. IGV jsou postaveny trochu jinak než generátor, který má dodávat napětí 230 voltů v Evropě nebo 130 v USA, ty dávají stovky milionů voltů. Aby se tato energie přemístila na užitečné místo na lodi, je sbírána kartáči. Tyto kartáče jsou umístěny kolem vnějšího okraje.
Vtištěné magnetické pole
Válečky a pláty jsou polarizovány tak, že se vzájemně přitahují (tj. opačně).
Ordinarily they would clamp right on and not be able to move, especially being made with neodymium. But there's a secondary field impressed on these magnets using an AC component. By impressing an AC magnetic field on the roller, Prof. Searl was able to create the demonstration in Figure 6 using a bar and two rollers. The rollers would go completely around the bar even around the 90 degee angle becuse of the way the fields was impressed on the magnets.
V běžném případě by se válečky k plátů přitáhly a nebyly by schpné se pohybovat, zvláště v případě, kdyby byly vyrobeny z neodymu. Ale je zde sekundární pole vtištěné magnetům používající střídavou složku. Vtištěním střídavého magnetického pole byl prof. Searl schopen vytvořit
This shows the field when you make these magnets you have to use an AC component to influence the DC field. What it does, it warps it and they go on at the same time when you're turning this magnet. As the field is warped, multiple poles are formed on the surface of the rollers and on the rings of the SEG. The frequency used to do this is not the same on the rollers as it is on the rings. This creates a non unity between the two faces so that as the magnets try to achieve unity and go to a north-south orientation, they cannot do it.
The imprinting is being done in Germany. Figure 7. One of the most difficult things in making this device is to impress the magnetic lines and cool it without cracking. Coils are used to print the magnetic lines by first suppressing the existing fields, then generating the impressed field, and finally to cool the finished component. Oscilloscopes are used to monitor the printed wave form. Figures.
When the finished rollers are placed underneath some iron filings on paper, like at school, we get some unusual results... a large pattern on each pole, and almost no pattern or an angular pattern in an arc between poles . There are both layers and individual poles and this uniformity of the poles on the outside is very important. These magnetic poles will be their own prime mover.
One of the marvelous things about the SEG is that none of the parts touch. There is no friction whatsoever, the rollers float on the magnetic field because of the AC component that has been impressed upon them. They will not fly off because of the DC that has been impressed upon them. They travel around the first ring at about 250 mph. In each ring going outward, the rollers' speed in creases by 2 and a half times.
Element Selection
Now, the choosing of the elements is an important thing obviously. If one was to look at the Table of Periodic Properties of the Elements, one would notice that the atomic structure of each element is illustrated. Prof Searl discovered that most of the elements that worked the best were hexagonal, but iron is obviously not so. He uses them in conjunction with the hex agonal configuration in order to pick the correct and most efficient way to develop the effect.
The specific powders of elements are carefully weighed. These elements have to be of a specific grain size, atomic weight, and exact dimensions. They have to be put together in such a way that they meet the requirements of the Law of Squares.
The elements are used on the theory that when they progress out from the center or inside out they are at lessor weight, atomically... And these elements are made and chosen through the Law of the Squares, with the heaviest element as the center element. The center element that John Searl has used since the first SEG is neodymium, which is element number 60. Modern science has just discovered that neodymium is good to make magnets. John Searl has been using it since 1946!
Law of the Squares
A lot of people ask what is all this about the squares? Well, there are three groups of squares group one, two and three, and there can be no other. Group one squares consists of all odd numbers. All even numbers that are divisible by four are Group Two. All the rest of the even numbers not divisible by four are Group Three.
In the books, John Searl will mention that a Group 1 square rotates, I couldn't understand that so I did a little research and studying on my own and I found that if you take the numbers of Group One and show where it moves to in his corrected square, it will go to this point here, and this number will go here. This pattern develops out and it's a circular pattern showing a rotation.
When you do something similar in showing where the numbers transpose to what we call a uniform square which would be a sequentially numbered square from top to bottom, left to right. In those squares, all of the numbers in a line if you add them across or down or on a diagonal will add to the same number. All have the same line value. These have been termed Magic Squares in the past. It's not really a new technology but an old technology that's being reborn and reviewed.
In Figure 9,1 have illustrated the three groups. The oscillating pattern of a Group 2 square took me some time. I went further on with this in my studies and I said well OK I have to picture this
in my mind. I really couldn't quite get it., the gist of it. What I did was extrapo lated a Group 2 square out into a cube and the opened the cube up.
When I first started, I thought there had to be one answer if I could find a way to solve this square, take sequentially numbered squares and put them into an order where every line would add to the same value. And all these different directions would only be one answer.
I was wrong. Figure 10 , Figure 11 is the front view, back and top and bottom of this cube. And every one of these lines add up to the same number in every one of these squares, so I kind of surprised myself doing that. This is a three-dimensional image of that cube.
Now, even at that what does that show you? Starting with this cube I found that there's a switching pattern involved and I could equate the switching pattern of the squares to the switching pattern I saw in the cube which brought to me a three dimensional realm. I could easily make the jump to a switching pattern in the atomic valences or atomic structure.
The Secret of Control
The initial working models were not remote controlled. They were one-time shots John de scribed as firecracker models. Once he started them, they took offiiever to be seen again! Prof. Searl says "it's an awfully expensive firecracker!" I imagine they were. Then he learned how to control it.
Prof. Searl was giving a news interview and the people were there with the video cameras and the press and he said ...Now this device will never stop. No matter what you do it will never stop. And it will always supply you with power.
And so the video camera came down and panned down real close to the SEG and the SEG stopped! John further describes the moment: My mouth fell open and I felt like a fool because
I'd just finished telling them it would never stop.
He'd never seen it stop before. What happened was very embarrassing, but it was one of the i luckiest things that ever happened to him. He realized immediately that the key was in the frequency and that the frequency of the television camera was putting out a harmonic or a resonant frequency of the primary frequency of the SEG and it counteracted it and caused the poles to reach a unification state and stop.
And so that is how he got the key on how to control the SEG. Through a remote control he could now slow it or stop it entirely. Up to this point he was not stopping it.
The Dream Lost
A good number of models in various sizes were built and flown. Of course, this work attracted a lot of visitors. John would have anyone who wanted to view his craft, the generator or view the craft in flight to sign in and put a little comment about what they thought. There were many famous people and there were hundreds of namesthey were not retrieved. They're all lostbumed in the fire. (
Prof. Searl wanted to fly one of the models himself. He was about ready to . Friends in New Zealand had committed money to build a three-man craft and were all set to go. Land had been
cleared and they were all set to start construction. One of his motivations is that when he went to a number of test pilots and showed them models of flight, they all looked at the high G factors and the high voltage and then refused to fly of it.
So John proceeded to go and take flight school. He did take flight school to the point that he was qualified to take passengers. Which, if you know anything about flying, it's a lot more than getting your Piper Cub license. He accomplished this just before he was arrested.
While under persecution, John had to leave his largest model unattended for a lengthy period. Prof. Searl went back to retrieve it, I think it was about six months ago now, and he said that when he left it there, it was supposedly safe. Unfortunately, the person that let him use the land died and his wife sold off the land. The new owner, a policeman, sold it for junk.
So it was very disappointing. It had tons of copper - about five tons of copper. But it was sold -: just for the copper. It was pitiful because it was the only thing he had left to show his work -everything else was destroyed. Even photos are very hard to come by. They come in little trickles, from different people who have worked on it. There's not much publicity and most of it has been destroyed.
Recovering the Dream
Various people throughout history have claimed to have generated what the scientific commu nity calls Free Energy. And many of them have claimed to have produced anti-gravity devices and craft. To day, most of them are dead. We're trying to retrace their endeavors to rediscover their technology. Most of these inventors were very secretive so that their inventions would not be stolen, or fall into the wrong hands. All of their motives are understand able. The result was that their technology and inventions were lost. They were so afraid that someone would try to steal it, or that it would get into the wrong hands. Now, no one has it.
Some of these great inventors were, in my opinion, Nikola Tesla, John Keely, Victor Schauberger, Otis Carr, and there are probably a number of them I don't know about. I'm getting in contact every day with people who have devices that they say work. Prof. Searl has kept many aspects of his technology secret in the past for the same reasons. He was wrong fully imprisoned and all of his equipment and papers were destroyed, as I've told you about. This was almost the end of the Searl technology.
But John Searl is not to be stopped. He's very strong-willed and dedicated to using his tech nology to make a better world for mankind. He's released this work in the form of books entitled "The Law of the Squares." so that it will not be destroyed again.
I've asked people:
How much would you give to talk to Nikola Tesla, to be able to talk to your specific interest Guru or leader?
I'd give a lot to talk to Tesla, to Keely or to many others. What marvelous inventions could they come up with in light of our modern discoveries? Take Tesla today and show him the transistor; what do you think he'd come up with in view of what he came up with in the past.
Did Keely really conquer gravity using sound waves through sympathetic vibrations? Did Schauberger really create a gravity field using vortexian action in liquids? Did Carr have special windings in his craft that allowed him to generate voltage needed for anti-gravity? These
questions may never be answered except by diligent research and experimentation. Even then it may take years.
Prof. Searl is alive today. He wants to give this technology to the world today. Will we wait too long to accept it? Will we waste our time scoffing to disprove his technology as has been done by others in the past? Will we turn a blind eye to his attempt to move us into the future as we did to Tesla so that we can hold on to the past?
I say we don't turn a blind eye. We're looking for the visionaries of today to move ahead now in order to save the people of this planet. Figure 12. We no longer have the luxury of saying someday somebody else will do it. We've damaged our atmosphere severely. We've depleted our natural resources. We're cutting down our rain forests, at an alarming rate. We all hear about these things and feel we can do nothing about them. ,
We can do something about them now, though, if we act before its too late and get this tech nology going. There's a very minuscule amount of time, as we look at the big picture of the earth and we've almost ruined the atmosphere. Some cities are almost unlivable because of the smog. This technology could do something about that. That's why I'm involved with it.
John A. Thomas, Jr.