Welcome to the Second 'Semester' of Ten Tutorial Notes, which
teach the mathematical basis of Aether Science theory.
© Harold Aspden, 1999
There was a time when people
worshipped the Sun. Their reasons must have had some scientific foundation, just
as today's astronomers and cosmologists seek a deeper wisdom by gazing into the
heavens. However, in their wisdom, the modern priesthood of science is dedicated
to the worship of what has come to be called four-space, in the version
according to the Gospel of Einstein. About Time is the name of a book
authored by Paul Davies, an ardent believer in the Einstein myth. Paul Davies
was a critic who in the 1972 period reviewed my book Modern Aether
Science (1972) by saying it was "Physics of Fairyland". He may perhaps have
been less scathing had he been called upon to review the book The Einstein
Myth and the Ives Papers - subtitle: 'A Counter-Revolution in Physics',
(Editors: Dean Turner and Richard Hazelett), published in 1979 by the
Devin-Adair Company, Old Greenwich, Connecticut. I quote from page 33 of that
"To make complete sense out of the existence and behavior of
matter and energy in space, we need to be able to understand not only how the
ethereal laws work, but why they work."
I can only suppose that the
very mention of the word 'aether' has, on Paul Davies, much the same effect as
waving a red flag at a bull. He has, in his 1995 book About Time,
captioned 'Einstein's Unfinished Revolution', at least mentioned the aether by
waving it "Goodbye" on page 49 of that work. He relies on the popular belief
that the Michelson-Morley experiment proved the non-existence of an aether, even
though Einstein's picture of 'space-time' is a picture of an aether seen through
spectacles having distorted lenses.
Having got that introduction off my
mind I will now focus on my task of teaching you why it is that certain
particles have longer lifetimes, the faster they travel. I have chosen this
topic for two reasons. The theme of 'time dilation' is the science fiction idea
that Paul Davies exploits in applying Einstein's theory to build an imaginary
picture of past and future cosmic events. It is also intimately related to the
primary point which I see mentioned as support for Einstein's theory in a book
Imagination and the Growth of Science, which its author, Professor A M.
Taylor, presented to me many years ago. Professor Taylor, now deceased, was a
social acquaintance, both of us living in Chilworth, on the outskirts of
Southampton in England, a mile of so from the University of Southampton. The
book was dated February, 1966 and was a record of the Tallman Lectures of
1964-65 which he had delivered at Bowdoin College, New Brunswick, Maine,
Had you attended those lectures you would have heard Professor
Taylor's praise for Einstein's theory, punctuated with a few cautionary remarks,
but I will here direct my attention first to the topic stressed as the most
important. Professor Taylor states:
The most convincing of all experimental support for the special
theory of relativity are the facts of nuclear fission and fusion. From the
theory it follows that the energy E associated with any mass m is
mc2, and as c (the velocity of light) is very large, the energy
released when mass, even a very small mass, is annihilated is very
Taylor then goes on to explain how, in 1939, a group of
scientists in Germany discovered the fission of uranium and how, in the light of
that knowledge, Einstein felt it his duty to warn President Roosevelt that the
atomic bomb was a possibility.
That, however, is history, history which
can be set alongside the 1904 assertions by J H Jeans in the journal
Nature telling the world that the energy which powered stars came from
the transmutation of mass into energy, the annihilation of protons, though in
those days Jeans referred to the proton as a 'positive electron'. The proton had
yet to be discovered. Indeed, in 1904 Einstein had yet to be
Certainly I do not share the awe which E=Mc2 has
earned for Einstein's memory, simply because it is the obvious product of
classical electron theory, as I have discussed in considerable detail in
Tutorial No. 12. So let us turn to the 'time dilation' issue, which is not a
feature of classical electron theory.
Professor Taylor writes at some
length about the 'space traveller' problem and relativistic time dilation. He
explains how there is often discussion of a paradox concerning two twins, one
who travels and one who stays at home, leading to the belief that if Einstein's
theory is correct then those twins must be seen as having different ages when
reunited. He declares this to be an erroneous conclusion because the predictions
of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity do not apply to circumstances where
there is acceleration and that twin who travels away for a while only to return
eventually cannot do that without accelerating a decelerating at some stage in
his travels. It seems that the travelling twin winds his clock backwards when
accelerating and forwards when decelerating so as to keep the right time when he
comes back down to earth. If this leaves you reeling mentally, then share the
feeling. I can only express my sorrow for professors of physics who have to
explain their subject in such a confusing way. To be sure I feel that no
professor of physics can say, with honesty, that time dilation has a logical
explanation, except for it nurturing flights of fancy into the dream world of
virtual images of space-time.
However, Professor Taylor presents the
evidence. On pp. 34-35 of his book he writes:
For one-way travellers the relativistic time dilation has been
confirmed by observations on cosmic rays. When they enter the atmosphere of
our earth these rays from outer space may, on colliding with molecules of air,
produce short-lived particles called mesons. These travel towards the surface
of the earth with a speed nearly that of light. However, they decay rapidly
and the duration of their brief existence is accurately known. Because we know
where they are formed, and because we know their speed, the time required for
their journey from their place of origin to our recording instruments on the
surface of the earth can be calculated. This turns out to be fifteen times
longer than their life! Yet they most certainly live long enough to reach the
earth and there operate the recorder. The paradox is solved if the Lorentz
transformations be applied to the problem. The mesons are travelling fast, and
the consequent time dilation of their time-scale is great enough to expand
their life sufficiently for them to survive the journey. ... This indeed is an
Alice-in-Wonderland state of affairs and you may think that scientific
imagination has got the better of sanity. Maybe! It is just one example out of
many others that the behaviour of small high-speed particles must not be
judged by the rules of everyday human life.
Well I do accept
that the fact that Einstein can sustain stable motion on his bicycle, the
better, the faster he goes, is not the kind of everyday experience one can
connect with high energy particle behaviour. Equally, however, I cannot see how
a 'Lorentz transformation' explains anything concerning particle stability. I
can concur that what is described as 'time dilation' is an 'Alice-in-Wonderland'
state of affairs and that means that Einstein's theory is the 'Physics of
Fairyland', rather than my interpretation of the physics in terms of an
So I shall present my explanation of so-called 'time dilation' or
rather longer particle lifetime in terms of aether theory. I picture an aether
as being the seat of quantum-electrodynamic action, meaning energy fluctuations
and electric charge pair-creation and annihilation, all ongoing unseen in the
background of the space we inhabit.
Along comes a meson travelling at
high speed. It has a physical form. It is not a point charge, but a real
'something' that presents a target for a hit in the shooting range where energy
fluctuations occur sporadically, like shells doing their killing work by
bursting on a battlefield destroying antiparticle pairs of charges, only to find
that Nature has its methods of reincarnation as those antiparticle pairs are
created anew. If the meson were at rest in that sea of activity, meaning
relatively at rest, given that whatever that background consists of it must have
its own frame of reference, then suppose the chance of a hit is such that the
meson has a lifetime To. However, the meson is moving. Suppose that
in reality it 'jumps' suddenly, as from A to B in steps, or, as an equivalent
scenario, it vanishes at A to reappear at B a little while later, so as to seem
to be in constant motion as viewed statistically. Owing to its motion it
possesses, say, E/Eo times as much energy as the rest-mass energy
Eo of the meson.
I now have in mind the possibility of vacuum
fluctuations concerning charge pair creation and annihilation, space
conservation, meaning the space taken up by the electric charge of the particles
and charge parity conservation. I see this as meaning that in any period T the
meson has to flip between three different states. Our problem has to be
formulated in terms of three simultaneous equations.
The states are
deemed to be one in which the meson sits alone at rest for a period
t1, one for a period t2 where it exists in its rest state
and has an entourage of meson pairs created from the vacuum energy fluctuations,
and one where the meson sits alone but has compacted into its contracted form
all of the energy E this being for time t3 in that period
Now during the periods t1 and t2 the meson is
subject to its normal chance of experiencing a hit and so a hit confined to
these periods means a decay lifetime Tv of:
Tv = ToT/(t1 + t2) .......
During the period t2 if any of the virtual mesons in
the entourage is hit this merely initiates pair annihilation and time
t2 shortens as the meson adopts one of its other states.
three relevant equations are, first, the time apportionment equation:
t1 + t2 + t3 = T ........
(3)Next, the space volume equation:
t1 + (2N+1)t2 +
(Eo/E)3t3 = T ........ (4)and then the
energy equation:
t1Eo + (2N+1)t2Eo +
t3E = TE ........ (5)
This assumes that N virtual meson
charge pairs feature in the quantum electrodynamic scenario of that
t2 period.
Note that the J J Thomson formula for the energy of
a electric charge tells us that its radius is inversely proportional to its
energy, which means that its volume, is inversely proportional to its energy,
thereby explaining that:
(Eo/E)3t3term in equation
Now assuming that the energy E is large compared with the rest mass
energy, say that 15 times larger mentioned by Professor Taylor, then that volume
is quite negligible so far as its contribution to equation (5) is concerned. One
can then expect the meson to escape decay in the time t3 period and
this allows us to deduce from equations (2), (3), (4) and (5) that:
Tv = (E/Eo)To .........
which tells us that the meson moving at high speed will survive
for a longer period than its normal lifetime, that period being greater by a
factor equal to the energy increase factor.
To verify this for the high
speed condition note that equation (4) reduces to:
t1 + (2N+1)t2 = T ........ (7)and
equation (5) becomes:
t1 + (2N+1)t2 = (T - t3)E/Eo
= (t1 + t2)E/Eo ........ (8)
equations (7) and (8) are equal and so they tell us that
T/(t1+t2) is E/Eo. Now, if the muon moving at
speed escapes decay for the period t3 in time T its lifetime is
increased with speed in proportion to the expression we have just derived, so
confirming equation (6).
Now, without using Einstein's theory, we have
shown in Tutorial No. 12 that E = Mc2 and on this basis the momentum
of such a particle moving at velocity v is given by:
momentum = Ev/c2so the kinetic energy of the
particle is this energy E minus the rest mass energy Eo and this
tells us that the kinetic energy is given by:
(M - Mo)c2
If a force F acts on such a
particle in the direction in which it is moving, then assuming no loss of energy
by radiation or otherwise, we have:
vF.dt = dE = d(Mc2) = v.d(momentum)so that:
v.d(momentum) = c2.dMwhich means that, since:
momentum = Mv
(momentum)d(momentum) = c2M.dM
Integrating this
(momentum)2 = c2M2 +
constantand from this, since the momentum is zero when M is equal to
the rest mass Mo:
(momentum)2 = c2(M2 -
Mo2) = M2v2
M = Mo/[1 - (v/c)]1/2and so:
E = Eo/[1 - (v/c)]1/2 ....... (9)
equations (6) and (9) we see that the lifetime of our meson moving at speed v is
given by:
Tv = To/[1 - (v/c)]1/2in
compliance with the formula for time dilation, even though there is no time
dilation involved.
I find it hard to belief that anyone could still
believe in Einstein's theory after working through this argument, bearing in
mind that it relies on quantum electrodynamic principles and quantum
electrodynamics has an indisputable claim to much of the territory concerning
the physics of the vacuum state. However, if you need further argument to
convince you then I urge you to consider that approximation I made in neglecting
that chance of meson decay during time t3. It will have the effect of
reducing the lifetime of the meson slightly below the 'relativistic' value, but
particularly over the range close to the speed at which lifetime is
My analysis of this says that there should be a reduction of as
much as 6.25 per cent over this critical range. However, when I scan the reports
of measurements of meson lifetimes I find that those reporting such measurements
avoid reporting data over that range. They prefer the high energy scenario where
the results obtained come closer to the relativistic value. Even so, at such
high energy levels, there is always a discrepancy, one sometimes obscured by the
stated precision of the measurement, but a discrepancy nevertheless.
if you wish to read what I have published on that subject, you should first look
up my paper at pages 307 to 311 in Lett. Nuovo Cimento, v. 37 (1983) [1983f] and then
the later paper [1983g] at pp.
206-210 in volume 38 of that same periodical. The latter paper was entitled
Meson Lifetime Dilation as a Test for Special Relativity.
As you
will gather, Special Relativity fails that test! Time dilation, as such, is
complete nonsense! What sense, I ask you, can there be in applying Einstein's
theory to the task of explaining why mesons have longer lifetime, the faster the
travel, owing to the notion of time dilating, when physicists making such
assertions do not know what it is that determines the lifetime of a meson which
they see as being at rest? How can they know that the state of motion and the
added energy does not affect the stability of that meson?
If they argue
the meson is at rest as seen in its own frame which moves with it then does it
have any added energy that is seen in that moving frame? If not, then where does
the energy added in getting the meson to move faster actually go? Is that added
energy something imagined by the observer in the frame initially occupied by
that meson?
I leave you to ponder that and to search for your own
answers, but it may help if I now, in my next tutorial, Tutorial No. 15, show
you how to derive theoretically the lifetime of the mu-meson at rest. I have not
published this derivation in any of my peer reviewed scientific papers, but I
did include it in my 1980 book Physics Unified. It warrants an airing in
these web pages and I hope you will find it interesting.
Harold Aspden
To progress to the next Tutorial press:
Tutorial No.